Byun Wooseok reveals his trauma from his 'nugu' days, "I had a low confidence due to the hate comments I received"

Byun Wooseok revealed that it took three years for 'Lovely Runner' to go into production. He said, "I play the lead role in this drama, but since I wasn't very well-known, the role was offered to other actors first. That's why it took three years." He continued, "I'm grateful that I was offered the role of Sunjae. As soon as I read the script, I thought to myself, 'I absolutely want to do this.' I had a strong feeling that I should give it a try."

Byun Wooseok's success didn't come overnight. He reflected on the difficult times during his 'nugu' days. He said, "There were times when I got cut off during script readings. It was traumatic. I received a lot of hate and there were times when I had low confidence." He added, "Due to my modeling background, I really love being filmed. However, as I became an actor and constantly getting scolded, I became anxious in front of cameras. I even questioned myself if this job was really meant for me."

Byun Wooseok also said, "People around me didn't say bad things, but I did hear some hurtful comments. Some told me, 'I don't think you'll make it in 4-5 years.' Ironically, things started to work out for me around 4-5 years later." He added, "When I heard those comments, I was more determined to overcome them. I didn't want to be discouraged by those words."

He continued, "Instead of staying idle, I tried to overcome my weaknesses and trauma by experiencing the field. I took on any role, no matter how small, and I think that's how I overcame it."

In an interview with the production team, Byun Wooseok also talked about the difficult times. He confessed, "There was a time when I went to a salon to get my hair done for a character, and then got a call saying, 'Sorry, we can't work together this time.'"

He added, "At that time, a group chat for the actors was created, and I said there, 'I don't think I can do this anymore.' It felt like a punch. My pride was honestly hurt, and I wondered if I would ever make it. I cried to let it out," he said. "But I think those moments made me want to do better and work harder."

-Wooseok-ah, thank you for continuing to act.

-He has a great mindset. I'm rooting for him!

-It must be hurtful to experience that... I'm glad things are going well for him now.

-Thank you for your hard work. You'll do even better in the futureã… ã… ã… ã… ã… ã… ã… ã… 

-It seems like his acting skills are improving. I'm looking forward to his future!

-Let's do even better in the futureã… ã… 

-Thank you for not giving up and coming to us. I'm happy to have met you.

-It's really just the beginning now.

-I bet it hurt a lot when he said goodbye and left the group chat.

-The group chatã… ã…  If I were him, I probably would've just left quietly in the middle of the night so that no one noticesã… ã… ã…  Hope things get even better in the future!!

-Byun Wooseok, this is just the beginning. Let's continue to be active for a long time in good health.

-Ah, it's heartbreakingㅠㅜ I'm glad things are going well.

-I'll cheer for you, Wooseok...

-Hope you become even happier and more successful. Thank you so much for hanging on there with a positive mindset even during difficult times, which has led him to Sunjaeã… ã… 

-It's really going to get even better in the future.

-Thank you for not giving up and working hard.

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