The male cast who become the topic of gossip among the female casts in Single's Inferno


They talk about all the things that made them think, 'Why is he acting like that?'

They also talk about Lee Gwanhee. It seems like the female cast felt that Lee Gwanhee acted as if he was superior, just like how the viewers felt. Gyuri, in particular, seems to dislike that point about him the most.

 MY: He must be happy to get all the votes after getting left for two days. Winning all the votes comes with a bonus. "The girl I chose also picked me." 

SE: That's not what we had in mind when we voted for him. 

MY: Remember at the campfire when I said I'd picked four people. Habis was "Control your woman, Jinseok".

SE: It does feel like the guys are pushing for you two, huh?

MY: It really does. I'm attracted to him. I don't like people trying to set us up. That's for me to decide.

HS: Last night, Gwanhee took me aside for a chat. 

HJ: What did you talk about?

HS: I think he found picking three people awkward. I had taken my makeup off, and he was waiting for me outside. He said he was waiting for me. And what he said is that he had seen Gyuri for the first time and he wanted to take her since he was curious about her. He also wants to go with Hajeong and me, since he was acquainted with us. When he said he had talked with Gyuri and added, "It's not like I don't wanna go with you," it struck me. This guy's keeping me as a backup plan.

GR: Listening to him talk is off-putting the more you hear.

Basketball player, Lee Gwanhee.

He picked three female casts he'd like to go to Paradise Island with, but they all expressed discontent, pointing out that they feel like he's using them as a backup plan.


The panelists also thought it was wrong when he started pointing his fingers

GH: The three women are her, her, and her

JK: 'Her, her, and her'?

DH: They're all going to dock points for that

Dex: Gwanhee's made a blunder there. I get that he's used to talking to people bluntly, but when you're in a crowd you should address people respectfully. But just pointing at them and saying that while everyone's watching him --

-All of the female casts are so beautiful and coolㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I'm not surprised at all, really

-Whoa... Him saying 'her, her, and her' is really a turn-off...

-Him referring to the girls as 'her, her, and her' is really disrespectful and off-putting

-I remember him saying that one of the casts who is 10 years younger than him looks older than himㅋㅋㅋㅋ The girls have my respect for only laughing it off...

-Dex is right. I know he had no ill intention behind that, but you should address people respectfully when you're in a crowd. 

-Yeah, isn't he famous for being rude on the basketball court?

-Dex is right (and he also looks really handsome)ㅋㅋㅋ I'm interested in this season only because the male casts are off-puttingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Not surprised. Just another day of Lee Gwanhee being Lee Gwanhee. 

-He's 36, right?? It amazes me how he still dares to go on a dating show at that age and refer female casts who are so much younger than him like that...

-I f*cking hate him, seriously. Ajusshi, you should leave.

-Hul.. Loser behaviorㅠㅠㅠ

-He should be in I am Solo, not Single's Inferno

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