Critic Jung Min Jae criticizes Belift Lab for trying to clear ILLIT of plagiarism allegations

Critic Jung Min Jae watched Belift Lab’s video

1. Belift Lab’s response was really shocking

2. Everyone in the industry and consumers knows this, but only HYBE turns a blind eye

3. They don’t know what everyone knows

4. They lack understanding and they lack respect for the entertainment industry

5. It is the result of ignorance about the entertainment industry and K-pop fans

6. People whose names are in the credits should leave

7. Seriously, I don’t know why they are trying to fight with the public

8. None other than HYBE is pushing HYBE singers into the abyss of malicious comments

9. Are they abandoning the domestic market and focusing only on foreign markets?

10. It seems like this is a company without any professional knowledge

11. It’s surprising how many idiots there are in K-pop

12. Staff qualifications at Belift Lab… Are they all elementary school students?

13. If they had understanding and respect for true K-pop artists and fans, they wouldn’t have made a video like this

14. I’ve been following K-pop for 20 years but have never seen anything like this

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