'Affair' Hong Sangsoo accompanies Kim Minhee to OB-GYN visits but skips his daughter's wedding and mother-in-law's funeral

It has been reported that film director Hong Sangsoo (64), who is currently living together with actress Kim Minhee (42), did not attend his only daughter's wedding.

On the 20th, journalist-turned-Youtuber Lee Jinho revealed this news on his Youtube channel. He stated, "Director Hong reportedly cherished his only daughter so much. His daughter got married around 2 to 3 years ago, but shockingly, Director Hong didn't attend the wedding."

Lee Jinho added, "Not only he didn't attend his daughter's wedding, but he also didn't give her any congratulatory money. A friend of his wife, who witnessed the situation at the time, expressed outrage by saying, 'This is too much,' but his wife showed no reaction and simply replied, 'That's just how he is.'"

Lee Jinho added, "Although she seemed calm on the surface, it's hard to even imagine how incredibly shocking it is for both of them that he didn't attend his only daughter's wedding or give any congratulatory money."

Previously, Director Hong faced criticism for not attending his mother-in-law's funeral in 2017. It is known that his mother-in-law had such a huge affection for her granddaughter, she even fully funded her study-abroad expenses.

As for rumors that Hong Sangsoo inherited 120 Billion KRW, Lee Jinho dismissed them as 'clearly fake news.' He explained, "Director Hong Sangsoo is the youngest of three siblings. If the youngest son inherited 120 Billion KRW, how much would his older siblings have received? It doesn't make sense."

He continued, "While it's true that Director Hong grew up in a wealthy family, the rumor that he inherited 120 Billion KRW is false. If he had inherited such a large amount of money, the tax authorities would've known about it first."

Director Hong and Kim Minhee first met in 2015 while working on the film 'Right Now, Wrong Then.' In 2017, they admitted to their affair and have maintained their relationship for 9 years. On the 17th, Dispatch reported that Kim Minhee is currently pregnant.



-If I were his wife, I wouldn't divorce him either.

-Seeing this, I think his wife made the right decision by not divorcing himㅋ

-He's not even human... How can he treat his daughter like that?

-I usually don't want to criticize another woman, but what on earth does Kim Minhee see in this man to want to spend her life with him?

-How could he do that to his daughter? I hope his wife never divorces him so he can live with that title for the rest of his life.

-He already stopped paying for his daughter's tuition... Of course, he wouldn't give her congratulatory money either.

-Even if he didn't attend his daughter's wedding, he should've at least given her congratulatory money. Didn't he also refuse to pay for her study abroad?

-He's not human. You're telling me that he didn't attend his only daughter's wedding?? Oh Gosh... It seems like he's completely given up on being a decent person. Why is he even making movies??

-He's not humanㅋㅋㅋㅋ To Koreans, he's not a famous film director. He's just a cheater who abandoned his family and got someone young enough to be his daughter pregnantㅋㅋ

-Well... Maybe it's better that he didn't attend his daughter's wedding. The guests would've been gossiping and whispering about him the whole time

-What the heck... I hope he gets what he deserves.

-Seeing how he's abandoned his child, now that Kim Minhee's pregnant, he'll probably move on to the next woman.

-How could he do that to his own daughter

-Does it make sense for a father to skip his own daughter's wedding? 

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