Jennie was spotted in Beverly Hills but the public opinion seems to have changed after her controversy

Jennie was spotted in Beverly Hills

She ate in Beverly Hills

In front of Jennie, among the Simi Haze twins, she is Haze

Personally, I like Jennie’s moments like this..

[+41, -94]

1. [+44, -20] Her pelvis is disappointing

2. [+41, -16] What moment was that..? Smoking moment?

3. [+37, -9] I guess she got out of the car for a while to smoke

4. [+22, -2] Her legs are short

5. [+20, -17] These photos are all beautiful

6. [+19, -16] Maybe because this photo was taken naturally, the vibe is so amazing

7. [+15, -2] Jennie’s fans seem to post every little thing about Jennie’s schedule on Pann

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