Bang Si Hyuk’s new idol group Katseye cursed without knowing that they were already live

Bang Si Hyuk’s new idol group Katseye cursed without knowing that they were already live

Since they can’t swear during the live broadcast, it seems like they’ll swear as much as they want before they are live? But they were already liveㅋㅋ

1. Foreign fans won’t care, this group probably only targets foreign countries, but this is ridiculous

2. Don’t go to Korea

3. It’s okay because they are foreigners

4. This is my first time hearing about this group

5. Isn’t this noisy marketing? If there is no controversy, no one cares about them

6. They’re not K-Pop idols, who cares?

7. When did they debut???

8. Is it noisy marketing? No, whatever it was, it was ridiculous and made me laugh

9. Bang Si Hyuk really shouldn’t debut female idols at this time

10. Who cares about them?

Original post (1)

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