IU’s voice and V’s face shock netizens in ‘Love wins all’ MV Trailer

IU ‘Love wins all’ MV Trailer

1. Taehyung, are you a zombie??

2. Is IU’s voice crazy? This song sounds so good

3. Wow this song is so crazy ㅠㅠ

4. Wow, it’s like a movie, I’m really looking forward to it.. IU’s voice and V’s face ㅠㅠ

5. Wow, I think V’s acting will be so good

6. IU’s voice is crazy, the song is really good

7. V matches IU’s voice and the mood of the song perfectly ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

8. IU’s voice is crazy… I’m looking forward to the song and MV

9. V’s face is amazing

10. V is so handsome, IU’s voice is so beautiful

11. IU’s voice is amazing

12. Wow, that’s really a movie

13. Wow, V’s mood is crazy. I’m really looking forward to this song

14. I’m really looking forward to this song and MV

Original post (1)

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