Three support trucks from Korea, China, and Japan gathered in front of the SM building.


L-R: 'Stop Hong Seunghan's hiatus! RIIZE is 7!' 
'Seunghan-ah, our feelings towards you have not changed, not even a bit'
'Seunghan-ah, please stay healthy. We will meet again in Tokyo Dome one day'

- I should have learned how to drive a truck.
-I miss Seunghan, ㅠ.

-I wonder what Hong Seunghan is doing now...

-It's unfortunate, but for the sake of the team, it's better for him to withdraw. I hope he will make a solo debut soon.

-I envy the truck company owners.

-Is Seunghan doing well...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-With that firepower, if he goes solo, it will be a huge success. I hope he goes to the Tokyo Dome.
-Seunghan, please come back ㅠ

-He was a popular member during his activities; they wouldn't have let him go easily

-I want to ask, are the people who say they miss him and are waiting serious? Are they making fun of him?

-The RIIZE's fans around me say that they will leave the fandom if he comes back.

-Looking at it closely, he's also a victim of personal information leakage. I understand fans hoping for his withdrawal, thinking he might cause trouble for the group. It's understandable that they're worried about who will reveal more if he returns.

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